Message from our Pastor
What might you expect to find when you come to IBC in person? The first thing you may notice is
that IBC is made up of people from all parts of the world, yet we come together in unity and
fellowship right here. Why? Because we know from the Word of God that we all have a common
ancestry (one man and one woman), we share a common problem (all have sinned), and we have
a common Saviour (Jesus Christ). In Christ we are a new creation and a new people.
Another thing you may notice is that while we sing a variety of contemporary songs, the focus is on God’s Word. Most sermons are expository, meaning we work through the Bible and bring out the meanings as it was intended, rather than selecting a few Scriptures to suit our outlines.
We believe more than ever before, the local church is essential. Jesus established the local church; He loved it and gave Himself for it. Therefore, it must be important to us also.
We encourage you to come and see what makes IBC unique. Come and catch our vision of “Transforming lives through Christ’s message of forgiveness, purpose, and hope.”
Pastor Ken and Jennifer Young