Life Groups
Someone For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20 (NKJV)
Because IBC cares for you and your family, the pastors and ministry teams of your church are committed to the Life Group Ministry model. We want to make certain that every member and family in our church experience the love and support of the whole congregation. We want to be known throughout the community as a loving and caring church.
What is the Life Group Ministry Plan? It is a plan by the Life Groups and their Leaders can join the pastor and church staff in ministering to the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of each church member and family.
A part of each Life Group meeting is spent praying about the specific needs of each, celebrating special times, and growing together in faith.
How can a Life Group help you? Of course only you can answer this best. However, there are some specific ways your Life Group wants to try to help.
Caring - Your regular Life Group meetings will keep your group and leader aware of your particular family, health / sickness needs, bereavement, and general welfare, as well as your celebrations.
Witnessing to unsaved family members - One of your Life Group's chief concerns is that every member of your family know Christ as Saviour.
Rejoicing with you and your family - Your Life Group will share your joy when you celebrate important events and accomplishments in your life.
Friendship - As your LIfe Group listens to concerns and shares your life, you will known others who care. You will also learn to give of yourself and care for others.
Giving support in times of crisis - Sometimes your Life Group and leader will help you through the crisis by listening and giving support. Other times your Life Group may refer your situation to the greater church community or a community agency that can help.
Answering Questions about your faith or church - Your Life Group leader will help you find the answer.
Helping you know and have a fellowship with other members and families of the church - Your Life Group will help you to participate in social occasions when families in your group will and the greater church get together for fun and fellowship.
Helping you find ways to serve in and through the church - Your Life Group leader will watch for opportunities for you to use the talents, skills and abilities God has given You.
Praying for your and with you - Believing that you are important and believing in the power of prayer, your Life Group will join with the Pastor and Ministry Team in praying for you and each member of your family.
In the Life Group Ministry Plan every member and every family has a Life Group. The more effectively the plan works in your church, the closer your church will come to being a real family in Christ. Your cooperation will help make the plan work. Feel free to call the church office or contact one of the Life Group Leaders.
Please contact church office for details. Life groups are meeting all the time.