No Bible study during summer holiday schedule. Resume next week 9 Feb 2025.
Living the New Life - With Jesus Part 6
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Join in with us this week on Sunday at 9am at the church for a challenging study that will add great worth and value to your walk with the Lord.
Come and Join us!International Baptist Church was founded in 1984 by Pastor John Young. Pastor Young was a missionary with the Baptist Bible Fellowship International of the United States. He was Senior Pastor of IBC until 2005 when he felt led of the Lord to continue ministering in the USA...
Where God's calling and your vision formed into reality - The curriculum IBC uses is the Bible training Centre for Pastors and Church leaders by...
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; Behold, all things have become new.
2 Corithians 5:17
Our Vision: Transforming lives, through Christ's message of forgiveness, purpose and hope.